20th Annual Meeting of the NEFS


Please complete the Roundtable Selection Form below these topics by choosing your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. There may be additional options at the meeting onsite. You will get your selection at registration when you receive your name badge. Thank you.
Roundtable 1: "Same Team, Same Goal: Avoiding the Blame Game by Bridging Gap Between Lab and Physicians”

—Kristen Ivani, MD, Seattle IVF

1.Highlight common areas of concern in the laboratory and learn effective ways to communicate between the lab and clinical teams; what to ask your embryologists; realistic expectation
2.Identify the Key Performance Indicators that both embryologists and physicians can use to ensure best practices and continued technical improvement and superior outcomes

Roundtable 2: “Assisted Reproduction services for the LGBTQ+ community”
—Samuel Pang, MD, Boston IVF

1.Understand how to apply current assisted reproduction technologies to help members of the LGBTQ+ community build families.
2.Learn how to be culturally sensitive when treating members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Roundtable 3:“How to fix everything, everybody and every problem in the contemporary IVF Laboratory”
—Jay Patel, BWH

1.Learned practical solutions for potential problems arising in the IVF laboratory from staffing to equipment to scheduling to conflict resolution to management of internal and external stresses
2.Gained insight into how fostering and nurturing an excellent team culture enables a laboratory staff and indeed an entire clinic to weather an array of stresses and fulfill the mission of patient care
3.Received encouragement to understand the workings of all instruments for basic troubleshooting, adjustments and repairs

Roundtable 4: “Hey, what about the Male? Let’s talk.”
—Robert Oates, MD, BMC

1.To discuss the necessary steps in evaluation of the male partner.
2.To explain the do’s and don’ts of therapeutic options.

Roundtable 5: Are segmental aneuploids the new mosaics?
—Jenna Miller, MS, Cooper Surgical

1.Summarize the current literature on the reproducibility and live-birth potential of segmental aneuploid PGT-A findings.
2.Discuss how the latest data may impact clinics’ storage and transfer policies for embryos with segmental aneuploid findings.

Roundtable 6: Let's talk about listening"
-Jeanne Watson Driscoll, PhD, RN
-Kate LeBlanc, AllPaths Family Building

1.Learn helpful tools in active listening and concrete ways to both support and advocate for patients
2.Discuss useful strategies to diffuse and support patients having difficult time, tips on delivering bad news, and how to take care of oneself while helping others

Roundtable 7: Alabama's Supreme Court Ruling on Embryos: The Impact on Fertility Care in New England
- Catherine Tucker, PLLC

1. Understand how the Alabama Supreme Court's decision to grant embryos legal status as persons impacts the consent process for fertility care provided in New England.
2. Understand how the Alabama Supreme Court's decision to grant embryos legal status as persons impacts the ability of New England based fertility clinics to discard and transport embryos.

Roundtable 8: Narrative journalism: Healthcare providers are part of the story
-Susan Burton, Journalist

1. After participating in this session, attendees should be able to discuss effective strategies for sharing research findings with the media and general public.
2. After participating in this session, attendees should be able to explain the importance of narrative in media coverage of healthcare.

Roundtable 9: What nutritional supplements should be offered to couples undergoing fertility treatment?
-Mark H. Ratner, MD, Theralogix
1.What nutritional interventions make clinical sense for male fertility patients
2.What nutritional interventions make clinical sense of female fertility patients?


To appear on nametag, ex. John Doe, MD

To appear on nametag, ex. John Doe, MD

Please select your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices below:

1: "Same Team, Same Goal: Avoiding the Blame Game by Bridging Gap Between Lab and Physicians” —Kristen Ivani, MD, Seattle IVF
2: “Assisted Reproduction services for the LGBTQ+ community” —Samuel Pang, MD, Boston IVF
3:“How to fix everything, everybody and every problem in the contemporary IVF Laboratory” —Jay Patel, BWH
4: “Hey, what about the Male? Let’s talk.” —Robert Oates, MD, BMC
5: Are segmental aneuploids the new mosaics? —Jenna Miller, MS, Cooper Surgical
6: Let's talk about listening" -Jeanne Watson Driscoll, PhD, RN, -Kate LeBlanc, AllPaths Family Building
7: Alabama's Supreme Court Ruling on Embryos: The Impact on Fertility Care in New England - Catherine Tucker, PLLC
8: Narrative journalism: Healthcare providers are part of the story -Susan Burton, Journalist
9: What nutritional supplements should be offered to couples undergoing fertility treatment? -Mark H. Ratner, MD, Theralogix

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